A data bucket is some kind of virtual storage where you can keep time series information, like temperature or humidity over time. But it is possible to use them to store any other event, like motion detections, garage door opens, temperature warnings, and so on.

This information can be used to plot information in dashboards, or can be exported in different formats for offline processing.

Create Bucket

To create a data bucket, you need to access the Data Buckets feature, by clicking on this section:

To create the bucket, just press in the Add Bucket button, which will show the following screen:

Here it is necessary to configure different parameters:

  • Bucket Id: Unique identifier for your bucket.

  • Bucket name: Use a representative name to remember the bucket scope, like WeatherData.

  • Bucket description: Fill here any description with more details, like Temperature and humidity in house.

  • Enabled: Data bucket recording can be enabled or disabled. Just switch it on to enable it.

  • Data source: This parameter allows setting the behavior of the data bucket by selecting the data source and also the sampling method. As there are many different options, this feature is detailed in the section below:

The sections below explains the different data bucket data acquisition modes and timing configurations:

From Device Resource

This option subscrives Server to an specific device resource (such as temperature, motion, and so on). It can be configured to retrieve data from the device in an specific sampling interval, or wait asynchronous communications from devices by means of the "Refresh mode" parameter. Note that this option is only compatible with devices that has been provided with Software client libraries (Arduino, Linux or Raspberry), and it will only work properly if the device keeps permanent connection with the server.

  • Sampling interval: Configure the bucket profile to retrieve data from device resources in an specific timing, that can be changed on demand, without modifying device sketch. Other benefit is that no additional codification is needed to implement this feature and start storing data. The next basic code example will store two variables in the data bucket when using the "sampling interval" configuration.

// define the resource just once in the setup() section

thing["TempHum"] >> [](pson &out){ 
  out["temperature"] = dht.readTemperature();
  out["humidity"] = dht.readHumidity();
  • Update by Device: This options allows the device to stream the information when required, i.e., by raising an event when detected. In this case, refresh mode must be set at the Update by Device option while configuring the bucket, and the device source code will contain an streaming instruction for the resources as shown below (also described in more detail here). This way, the data bucket will be listening to a device resource, and its information is registered in every stream call.

/*"TempHum" resource was declared in the setup() function
but the stream instuction is added in the loop*/

void loop() {
  // use your own logic here to determine when to stream/record the resource.

This instruction should NEVER be called each loop execution or in lower than 60s streaming rates as the bucket system will only store data each 60s.

From device Write Call

This option sets the bucket in passive mode, waiting to be called by any "Generic Device" (with Thinger.h libraries on it) by means of the the write_bucket() method, as shown in the example code below. The special feature of this mode is that it allows to store data from different devices in the same data bucket.

Here is an example of an ESP8266 device writing information to a bucket using the write_bucket function:

void setup() {
  // define the resource with temperature and humidity
  thing["TempHum"] >> [](pson &out){ 
    out["temperature"] = dht.readTemperature();
    out["humidity"] = dht.readHumidity();

void loop() { 
  // handle connection
  // write to bucket BucketId the TempHum resource
  thing.write_bucket("BucketId", "TempHum");
  // sleep the device SLEEP_MS milliseconds
  ESP.deepSleep(SLEEP_MS*1000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT); 

From API Request (for 3rd parties):

This configuration allows to store data from any other device or data source that can't be equipped with libraries on its codification. the data bucket will be set on passive mode waiting to receive data from any HTTP Device Callback that has been properly configured to send data to this data bucket.

This feature can be also used to store data directly from any third party platform just calling to the data bucket REST API and sending information in JSON format. But it is preferable using the HTTP device way.

From MQTT Topic

Data buckets can be configured to subscribe to a MQTT topic in the same way as another MQTT client can do. This feature allows to store the data that is being published in the same topic, so attention should be paid if used by more than one device. This configuration can be applied during the creation of a new data bucket as in the image below or later using the Settings tab.

Ones this source has been selected, the interface will show a new input text in which the topic trace can be written

Note that the data buckets system has been created to store JSON format messages so the data from the MQTT device must contain this encryption.

Custom data timestamp data bucket feature has been created using time series databases, The system has been programmed to store the data points using the timestamp of the instant they are stored in the database as the indexing variable, however, it is possible to customize this variable by entering a timestamp in the payload using the following key-value structure:

// example of datapoint with custom timestamp

  "lat": 40.416775,
  "lng": -3.70379,
  "temperature": 23.33,
  "humidity": 32.44

The time must be expressed with a standard Epoch Timestamp expressed in milliseconds. This functionality allows storing data by the time they were produced instead of stored. It also allows to correct or modify data already stored in the platform.

Note that, if the TS of a new datapoint matches with an old data bucket entry, it will be overwritten.

Review Bucket Data

Once the data bucket has been configured, and it started to record data from a device or from write calls, it will display the information inside a table. Every record contains the server timestamp in UTC (but shown in local time zone in the console), and the record value. The value stored in the data bucket can be a single value, or any other JSON document. If the JSON document is composed by key-value pairs, like in the previous examples, they will be displayed in tabular format, just like in the following screenshot.

Bucket Data Import

In order to make bulk data upload or buckets backup processes, the data bucket system has been provided with an import feature that is able to retrieve information from .csv files from a File System and store its data using the timestream specified in the file rows.

Note that using this feature has few restrictions.

  1. Each row must contain just one variable and use ";" separation marc

  2. The file must contain a column identificated as "ts" with the Linux Timestream in milliseconds, that will be used to create the temporary serial.

Also, the user account must be able to use File Systems, which is a premium feature, so freemium users can't perform these processes.

Files resulting from a data bucket export are completely suitable with the import feature, so they are perfect examples to observe a valid data frame

The import process allows to fill the data bucket with the same data contained in the CSV, ordered based on the TimeStamp in milliseconds included in the file.

To execute an import, the following steps must be carried out:

  1. Create a new File System (following these instructions) profile with public access configuration or open an existing one and upload the .csv file to be imported into the File System.

  2. Create the new data bucket

  3. Select the source File System and place the file identifier in the "Filename" section.

  4. Click on "Import Data" button.

Export Bucket Data

It is possible to export all your stored information in different file formats, so you can process the data offline, like applying Artificial Intelligence, Business Analytics, Big Data, etc. In this way, you can access your bucket and configure the export process:

The data bucket download configurable parameters are:

  • Data format: To obtain CSV, ARFF or JSON format file

  • Time format: Timestamp or ISO date format

  • Export range: This section allows downloading the complete data bucket or selecting a custom range.

  • Callback: To set how the ending of the data bucket export process will be notified. Currently there are two ways:

    • Sending an email to the account associated address

    • Calling to an endpoint. This option allows sending the download link to third parties using an Endpoint profile.

Onces the export data range and format has been select, the system will create a download link that will be stored in the "Export List" section below. This links can be used to provide customers of custom data reports form the IoT data.

The download links will be available for 3 months if the instance administrator has not specified a different interval.

Clear Bucket Data

Sometimes it can be useful to clear the bucket information without deleting the whole bucket, creating and configuring it again. Therefore, you can clear the bucket, or a part of them easily from the bucket page. In the clear process, the bucket can still record information from your devices.

Data bucket profiles can also be deleted from the data bucket list, by selecting the profiles to be deleted and pressing the red "Remove Bucket" button as shown in the image below:

Last updated